Born again identity – Relocated

Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

As I continue to read and study through the book of Ephesians, I have found myself slowing right down. I am usually a pretty fast reader, but since I started intentionally looking into the Christian identity, I have found I need to stop and give myself time to meditate on what God is revealing. Understanding and living out who I am in Christ is not something I will fully grasp over night, so its imperative that I commit my mind and heart to a slow process of reading, understanding and applying.

In earlier posts I have highlighted that part of our identity as Christians is that we have been Blessed with every Spiritual blessing in Christ. Our adoption, redemption and Gods Grace lavished on us are included in those blessings. We have also been made alive with Christ, and that was while we were dead in our sin! Pretty important stuff to know if your a follower of Christ also wanting to be his disciple right? It doesn’t stop there. We have also been brought near to God by the blood of Christ. ( STOP! Think back to life before God called you, how far away were you, pretty far off I would say right?)

I was a citizen of me, far from God in my head and heart. Doing all that I could to survive and look after my own needs. Most of my time was spent running away from pain, avoiding responsibility and swimming in my anger and bitterness. So for me, to know that I have been relocated because of Jesus, which means I am right there close to God, well to say that it saved my life is an understatement. Without the understanding of my identity in Christ, I may as well be the walking dead.

A couple of awesome things that come with being brought near to God because of the blood of Christ. We are no longer without hope! Through being a new creation in Christ we can hold on to the truth that the old has gone and see what new thing God will do! John 1:12 says that because of Christ we have become children of God and we are not born of human decision, but born of God.

Do you spend much time preaching to yourself who you are in Christ? I have said it before and I have no problems sounding like a broken record. The Christian who doesn’t spend time learning about their new identity in Christ Jesus might as well be running around in circles. They will move nowhere fast on their Christian journey. Think about how far off you once were and be thankful for how near you have been brought to God through Christ. Its part of your born again identity.




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