God’s will and your willingness

Christians can spend a lifetime wondering about the will of God. Conferences, fasting, pleading with him in prayer and asking everyone who offers to pray that it will be revealed. Some believers are expecting a massive wiz-bang moment where everything is made clear while others just want a little glimpse so they can move forward.

Most of the time when the question arises, it usually has to do with the same things..

  • Career and vocation. What direction should I go in and when?
  • Will I be single for the rest of my life or should I marry this person?
  • What Christian community should I commit to?
  • What ministry should I invest my time in?

While all of the above are pretty important things,  I have found from my own Christian journey and have observed others on theirs, that we can get so focused on Gods will for us in the bigger picture things, that we can often neglect Gods will for us in the smaller picture things. (Like the day to day stuff if that makes sense).

The small day to day acts of obedience will often lead to the bigger picture being revealed.

Maybe it’s time we start asking some different questions? To often we can forget that God wants our lives, it’s our hearts that need to change, but instead we are out trying to save the world while our personal lives are being un-renewed.

God what is your will..

  1. In my prayer life. Is there anyone I should be praying for instead of always praying for myself
  2. Is there a fruit of the spirit that needs to be more visible in my life?
  3. What specifically is getting in the way of me being more like Christ?

The above questions are the type of things that that I reckon that get neglected, and not often even thought of as God’s will for our lives.

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

God has not left us in the dark when it comes to his will for us. I get it, we all want to know the big stuff, but his will for us in the mundane day to day is just as important. I know Christians who when asked what they are thankful for, their reply is often silence and then a shrug. They struggle to be joyful, thankful and rarely pray prayers outside of “Lord help me survive this day”. This really has to change.

  1. Being joyful has nothing to do whether things are going our way, but more to do with who is the way, what he has done and what sanctification continues to do in our lives.
  2. Never stop praying doesn’t mean you should stop everything else and only pray. Its more about being consistent and not giving up talking to God about the important things. Sometimes that may mean asking God what he wants us to pray for.
  3. In all circumstances be thankful. We need to make this a habit as its a great reminder of God’s faithfulness. There is one thing worse than a person who never has anything to be thankful for, and that’s a Christian who cannot for the life of them bring to mind anything that they can give thanks for.

Gods will is often revealed in our obedience, especially in simple stuff like being joyful, giving thanks In all circumstances and praying regularly. If we are not willing to engage with those things daily with confidence and eagerness,  then how can we expect God to trust us with the “bigger picture stuff”?

Out of those 3 things mentioned in the above scripture, what do you struggle with the most? I find that when I am sick, whether it be a man-flu or something more serious, all 3 get a bit neglected. Will you join me in being obedient to Gods will in the simple day to day stuff?

Thanks for reading. If you have found anything helpful from this post please leave a comment or share it with someone who you think will benefit.

10 thoughts on “God’s will and your willingness

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  1. Great points. My area of struggle lately is impatience. I want to see certain things in my time frame, and God has reminded me my timing is not the one that counts. Specifically, I long to see my son find connection within the body of Christ and prioritize time with God before he graduates high school. Yet our Lord reminds me that sometimes He has to teach us through rough times first and my desire to spare my son those lessons isn’t necessarily a desire in his best interests. What you said about giving thanks resonates with these lessons because God is reminding me to give thanks even in the midst of the struggle! He is good!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Not sure how I missed this post. I was saying to myself the other day about how I have not seen your post in a while. Amen to all of this! The realness! I love!! I naturally overthink and when things start going a different way, it gets to me really hard. Of late I have been meditating on the fact that God loves me and my loved ones more than I can ever love so He knows how to take care of us all. This is helping me trust Him more and helping me in the area of discipline in terms of studying the word and praying when I really don’t feel like. I still fail sometimes though.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. A great post. I truly felt the spirit lead in this post. I struggle with forgiveness, it’s a constant thing I must choose everyday to do. I’ve been struggling with lots of changes within and outwardly. I’m trying to hold myself together, but inside I’m tired and weeping. I just want to let out one good cry (or several) because God has asked me to be vulnerable and stop pretending everything is perfect. I know God hears me and has been faithful to protect me. But I know there is a reason behind this season I am in. Honestly I can say I’m more humble now then ever before. All I ask is breakthrough, but more than that I ask God to teach me how to be a life giving and light of a leader wherever I go and whomever I meet. Before I do anything I pray and ask God what is His will for me to do. Always choosing to honor Him and help others.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This is the second time I have read something in the last couple days, with the word “joyful” in it. I feel this is to be my 2019 “New Years Word Resolution.” 😄 Thank you for sharing! We should focus on all the little things in God’s Will.

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  4. An old song came to mind as I was reading the portion on thankfulness. In one of the lines it says “count your blessings, name them one by one.” I think that having a heart of gratitude is one way that we can begin to see just how faithful God is in our lives. He’s Lord of the great and small and it’s often in our attentiveness to the small where we can see God’s handiwork moving, guiding, and protecting us every step of the way. Great post!


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  5. This was great! I loved it!! You are so right on target!! We can’t get the cart before the horse. First, we have to develop our walks with the Lord in obeying what his Word already teaches us we all must do. Personally, I agree that as we obey him in that daily walk that he will show us his unique and specific will for us each individually. And, it won’t necessarily be the “Sunday School” version, either.

    What I mean by that is that scripture teaches that God gives us gifts as he chooses and he gives us assignments (parts) within the body of Christ as he chooses, too, but the body of Christ is not the institution called “church,” but it is the people who have trusted Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of their lives. And, these “parts” of the body are spiritual roles, not necessarily those designated as ministries within institutions.

    For example, God has called many of us to blog what he teaches us each day from his Word. That may be our part in the body of Christ, our assignment from God, and that is outside the box of institutional Christianity. So, just saying that as we seek God’s will for our lives, that we should not limit God to just the ministries we see in institutional churches, but that the Lord may have something outside the box for us to do that we may never have ever thought of.

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