Born again identity – Relocated

Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. As I continue to read and study through the book of Ephesians, I have found myself slowing right down. I am usually a pretty fast reader, but since I started intentionally looking into... Continue Reading →

Born again Identity – Already Blessed!

If you are a Christian living in spiritual poverty right now, it's because you don't realise what is already yours in Christ. You have neverĀ  discovered the contents of the heavenly treasure house - Michael Youssef I know it's not the most positive quote that I could have chosen, and I realise that these words... Continue Reading →

Born again identity

My identity has been something I have thought about since I was a kid. Being adopted at an early age meant that I found no security in who I thought I was. So I went looking elsewhere. Since responding to the call of Christ 17 years ago, It was awesome to know that I had... Continue Reading →

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