God’s will and your willingness

Christians can spend a lifetime wondering about the will of God. Conferences, fasting, pleading with him in prayer and asking everyone who offers to pray that it will be revealed. Some believers are expecting a massive wiz-bang moment where everything is made clear while others just want a little glimpse so they can move forward. Most of... Continue Reading →

A prayer for you – Be thankful

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! -Psalm 100:4 How awesome it is that our God is not some distant force that sometimes lets us know that we better watch out. Nope, instead he has made himself known to us, and because of Jesus Christ we can come into his presence with... Continue Reading →

Be a Bartimaeus

How easy do you give up pursuing Jesus when people or things get in your way? There is a great story in the Gospel of Mark about a blind beggar who could see better than everyone else around him. I would encourage you to take a look at Mark 10:46-52. Jesus and the disciples were... Continue Reading →

Stories that never get old

For those of us that love to read it's not hard to recall those moments when we have read the last line of a good book we have invested in, we close the pages and sit back and remember the characters, what they went through and how journeying with them made us feel. Why did... Continue Reading →

The cost of Bystanders

In my last post I wrote about the need for Christians to commit differently. I suggested that 2 big problems in the church today were people overcommitting and committing to the wrong things. While programs, ministries and being intentional in what we invest in are important, I believe walking closer to Jesus should be an... Continue Reading →

Commit to committing differently

There are two problems in the Church today that I don't think get enough air time and because of this I reckon it causes a lot of burn out and leaves individuals feeling purposeless. People overcommitting themselves , and committing ourselves to the wrong things. We all know a person or people in our Christian... Continue Reading →

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