Reminded – Know, Grow & Go

The first week of this new year is already about to say goodbye and I am once again reminded that time does not stand and wait for us to catch up. More than ever before my desire is to not waste this gift that has been given to me.

Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom

While I am not a fan of the whole new years resolutions bandwagon, I am resolved to being on mission with my life. Being a Christian doesn’t mean switching off your brain nor walking in the dark, so its important to me to understand more of the faith journey I am on. Getting back to basics has also been an essential part of my daily reflection which has been really helpful.

There are 3 things that I am keen to never forget regardless of how mature in the faith I think I am. Back to Basics for you I hope as well..

  1. Reminded. It wasn’t us that saved ourselves from death, and our sin meant that we were separated from God. There was nothing that we could do BUT John 3:16 and Romans 5:8 is a great reminder that it was God who pursued us and Christ who died so we could live and come near to God.
  2. Know. Many know about Jesus but how many Christians deeply know Jesus? Do we spend the time getting to know the one who calls us to follow him. There is a difference between being a Christian and being a Disciple of Jesus Christ. How much do you want to know Jesus?
  3. Grow. Self explanatory but easily forgotten and avoided. We can often let ourselves off pretty easy when it comes to our spiritual/life growth. It’s a massive part of the Christian journey, and because we are New Creations we are crazy to go on living as if Christ’s death never took place. What gets in the way of you becoming more like Christ?

For those of us who are passionate about working out our salvation, and for you who are in Christ but are feeling a bit bleh, I want to encourage you in the 3 things I have mentioned. That we would get back to basics everyday, never allow ourselves to forget the what and the how of our faith and that we would Go to where God wants us.

My prayer for this year and beyond, is that we would count the cost of following Jesus,  make what is important to him important to us, and live in such a way that those who don’t believe will.

Are you ready?

Thanks for reading. As always if you have questions or have found this helpful please leave a comment.





12 thoughts on “Reminded – Know, Grow & Go

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  1. Superb post, Dave. Really, if all Christians were to focus on these three things, our impact on the world would be so much more effective. What really stood out to me was your comment: “There is a difference between being a Christian and being a Disciple of Jesus Christ.” Very convicting.

    Great post, Dave and wishing you a truly blessed 2018.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. “My prayer for this year and beyond, is that we would count the cost of following Jesus, make what is important to him important to us, and live in such a way that those who don’t believe will.” Amen!

    Praying to be more of a disciple this year. Thanks for this Evad!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Yes! My heart has always been to truly “know” Christ as you say. And as David notes, if we focused on the three points you list here, what a difference in the world we would make for Christ! Excellent post, Dave! We need to return to the basics and let those guide our lives. So glad you are back and back to your blogging! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh my goodness!! I love love love this! May I add: Salvation is FREE but discipleship is COSTLY. Thank you for these reminders. God bless 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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