Be anxious about everything!

Lets be honest, it’s awesome being full of anxiety. You get to obsess over a situation in your head a million times (giving the problem free rent in your mind), lose sleep and forget what’s really important. Not to mention the feeling of isolation and inability to function properly.

In the wordthatdoesnotexist, the book of notreally 24:74-75 says – At all times feed your anxious thoughts with hopelessness , so that darkness may overcome you. Stress as soon as you open your eyes each new day.

Said no one or book ever! Unfortunately there are many people who live as if all the above was true, and many Christians are included. For many years I allowed anxiety to control my life, and when I think back on the times I wasted giving in to it it’s the words of Jesus from the book of Matthew that stand out to me. “Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to your life”?

What about you, how do you find yourself coping when anxiety wakes up and wants your attention? Do you have an intentional plan to help navigate through the chaos or do you think you can manage it all alone and end up looking like you have lost your marbles instead. For me my plan was to fight to the death. I could no longer hear anyone that attempted to help me or slow down long enough to seek God out.

I have been thinking heaps lately about how I manage in the middle of anxiety, and really want to encourage you to reflect on how you cope as well. In the end its not just about our own mental/spiritual health as followers of Christ, or how we appear to the people around us. Our participation in the process of sanctification is pretty important in our lives as new creations in Christ. Seeing the promises of scripture come alive when we walk by faith is always amazing and we can trust that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ.

Philippians 4:6-7 (msg) – Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any awesome stories about how you have prayed instead of being worried and God has spoken into your situation, then please leave a comment.


22 thoughts on “Be anxious about everything!

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  1. Love it Evad! The first part of this blog made me chuckle. If there was a certificate for anxiety, I would have had a doctorate degree by now. Honestly life challenges creates anxiety in us. This year has been a very tough year for me. With my dad and baby brother fighting cancer at the same time and my mum recovering from a stroke. Watching our family savings go down the drain due to hospital bills. All of these made me live in constant fear and anxiety. Until I realised that I was gradually going crazy because I just couldn’t concentrate on doing anything. However in the beginning of the year, God told me specifically that this year was going to be a stormy one and that my victory was going to be found in His word. In the midst of the storm, I decided to fall back to the word. It was very hard. Some days I did prayer walk because I couldn’t stay at home due to fear. One day, God revealed to me that the battle in my head was more than what I was actually fighting. I was finding solutions to some problems that doesn’t even exist like trying to plan how I will adapt to life without my parents and brother should they pass. This was really what was causing me the stress. The deliverance from anxiety came on the 4th of April when I had a dream about the rapture. I blogged about it. This really shifted my mind to what was important. Understanding that my fears and anxiety did nothing good to the situation and that God was still counting on me to make an impact and live life to the fullest regardless, was a game changer. In all, hearing from God is very important. Depending on His word to help us is key!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Efua, it sounds like we may have studied at the same place, as I have a BA in worrying lol. I am sorry to hear about the last 12 months for you, that sounds really tough. Very cool that God spoke to you in that season and even shared with ya what direction you should take. ( we should be surprised by that really) I look forward to reading more of your journey and thanks for sharing

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Excellent and relatable piece bro Evad, anxiety is something that has literally almost ran me crazy many times but, God.
      Wow, this was right on time Efua your testimony is so powerful praying for your family as well!!! Gods blessings to you both

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I have a lot more stories about being worried instead of praying but as I grow in Him I find that sometimes worry drives me strait to prayer other times I worry for a little and then pray which is a big improvement over the way things once were – worrying followed by worrying capped off with a lot more worrying – I have the hair loss and grey to prove it

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s really good Dave. Since I wrote this post I have found that anxiety has kind of been a reminder to pray instead of feed it. Interesting that the thing that we are told not to do can now be the thing that drives us to God instead. My beard now has heaps of grey hair, a sign of wisdom they say. Hope your doing well dude.

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  3. I have this past year went through a very anxious driven situation because I had no control. I worked daily each day I struggled with my fear to worship Christ and cling to Him through fear and tears. Despite the dread that fought within me, I also felt immense assurance and love that He was with me ! And, it only took one week for the Lord to give us answers we needed. Praise God! I’m always thankful I felt Him during that time and cling to this memory and others that He’s gotten me through. He has always gotten me through.
    Always! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. T.R, thanks for your comment. Holding on to how God has worked in our lives and delivered us in the past is a really good way to avoid losing the plot now. Keep on clinging my friend and I hope you have a good start to your week.

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  4. Evad, you asked about how we cope during times of anxiety. For me, it’s the Philippians verses you shared. It comes to a point after I’ve tried to work everything out on my own that I finally tell God: “You know what, Lord? I’m making matters even worse, but it’s time to stop and give it to You. I know You will work this situation out in Your own time, but if You would, for now, give me some of that ‘peace that surpasses all understanding,’ I’d be glad to have it, no questions asked!”

    Thanks for the helpful post, Evad.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a really good point Dave. Instead of waiting until we have nothing left, we should turn to God right away and experience that peace as soon as we start to feel any anxiety. Thanks for your comment

      Liked by 1 person

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