Be a patient prayer

To you who have just started praying about something important in your life, and your wondering whether it's worth it, and how long will it be before you have an answer. To you who are in the middle of a season of prayer, you have been waiting for an answer for awhile and haven't stopped... Continue Reading →

Prayer, what would Jesus do?

But Jesus would often slip away to the wilderness and pray - Luke 5:16After he had sent the crowds away, he went up on the mountainside by himself to pray, and when it was evening he was there alone - Matthew 14:23In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the... Continue Reading →

God’s will and your willingness

Christians can spend a lifetime wondering about the will of God. Conferences, fasting, pleading with him in prayer and asking everyone who offers to pray that it will be revealed. Some believers are expecting a massive wiz-bang moment where everything is made clear while others just want a little glimpse so they can move forward. Most of... Continue Reading →

The light that leads to life

One of the things I like about Jesus Christ, is that he always gets to the heart of the matter. In the gospels we see him regularly doing this when he.. Puts the religious heavies in their place. Rebuked the disciples when they lost focus. Responded to people's questions with answers they never expected When... Continue Reading →

A prayer for you – Be thankful

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! -Psalm 100:4 How awesome it is that our God is not some distant force that sometimes lets us know that we better watch out. Nope, instead he has made himself known to us, and because of Jesus Christ we can come into his presence with... Continue Reading →

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